April 3, 2011

Birth Stats

Callan Kae Blair was born 2 weeks and 3 days before her due date on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 7:29 am, which makes her a Pices and her birthstone aquamarine, just like her mommy.

Weight: 8 lbs.

Height: 20.5 inches

After two weeks she has gained 3.5 ounces.   She doesn't seem to fit into her newborn clothes and is a bit small for the 0-3 month size.  She sleeps about 3 hours at a time and seems to only cry when she is hungry.  She is taking about 4 ounces of formula each feeding.  Our favorite thing to do is watch all the funny faces she makes.  Daddy's favorite thing to do with Callan is tummy time, she is already lifting her head and pushing up a bit with her arms!

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